Sunday, May 20, 2012

Setting a Solid Deadline to Meet King

Everything I have read about accomplishing a goal says that I need to make a specific deadline for it's completion. If you make a goal without a deadline, then you will continue to push it off to the point of ever doing it. If you can give yourself a deadline to accomplish something, you will have a finish line, a time frame to shoot for.

To advance the concept of the deadline, you can make the finish line more effective if you can offer yourself a reward for completing the goal, and a punishment for not making it. You will find a way to make something happen if you desire the reward or dislike the punishment.

Now you can have people help you by reminding you of your deadline and the self imposed rewards and punishments. If you state your goals to others, then they can hold you accountable. They can be your cheerleaders. Some of the books say that you should not tell anyone, that your goals should be driven by your own personal desire. If you let others in on the secret, your results will be swayed by their opinion.

I think my Goal to meet Stephen King should be something public. I want you to know about my journey. I want to be able to read your encouragement on this blog or on my Facebook Page. Maybe you will have ideas that will help me meet the man. Maybe you will have suggestions to help my project be even better. Whatever the case, I want you there to cheer me on.

Here is my Deadline: I want to meet Stephen King by June 30, 2013. I want him to see my project and want to meet me. I want to be able to sit down and have a beer with him and talk about writing, baseball, music and anything else that comes to mind.

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