Dear Stephen King,
This week in my own time of writing, I thought about what it really means to write. Is writing something you do just for the fun of it, or am I only writing because I think I will make money or even a living from it?
I am beginning to believe that most people write because they expect to make money from it. Writing is one of those things you don't have to invest a lot of money into to make a return. All you really need is a computer and some time. Most people these days, at least in America, own a computer already, whether it be a desktop, laptop, a tablet or even a smartphone. Most people have something they can write on. Even if they don't have a computer, a sheet of paper and a pen are easy enough to come by. You don't even need to buy them. Companies will give you paper and a pen from only an inquiry.
Sure, most people will say they love to write. They would continue to write even if they never got paid for it. I think that is true for a while, but I think the prospect of being able to sell something is a driving force behind anyone who writes on a regular basis. Most want to be able to show off a properly bound hardcover book with their name on the front.
I want to know if there is a way to switch my thinking about my own writing. Can I turn off the thought that I want to publish something to I just want to write for other people's enjoyment. I want to share what I create and then maybe I can create just to create.
I guess right now I am worried about publishing a short story, selling it on the Kindle store without a proper publisher. I am worried that people will not like it and everyone will want their money back. I know in my head that it is decent work, and I will be able to grow an audience from it, but the fear is still there. Maybe if I can give it away for free and just let people enjoy it, then maybe I will not be so worried about the content.
Did you ever just write because you loved to write? Did you ever just want to share your stories with the world? It is hard to believe you were where I am now early in your career. You are a superstar author, someone I strive so much to be like. I remember reading somewhere that you had a homemade magazine that you published on your own. It make me smile when I picture you going about sharing those creations with your family, friends and neighbors. If only we could go back to those simple times, simple thoughts and simple writing.
Take care Steve, and keep writing.
Robert T Gasperson
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