Friday, July 5, 2013

Writing on Holidays

Dear Stephen King,

Yesterday was the 4th of July, a national holiday that requires family fun and bar-be-Que and lots of fireworks. I found after getting home from work and having fun with the family, I did not have the time to get my butt into a seat to churn out any words. I thought about it. Are holidays supposed to be free from writing?

I have met authors who refuse to write on holidays because they want to spend their day with their family. They don't want to have a story hanging over their heads, guilt about not sitting down and writing when they are busy entertaining or playing with the kids. They want to set that time aside for their family and friends.

I have met other authors who refuse to miss a day of writing no matter what. It could be thanksgiving or Christmas, they still want to write, even if it is only a hundred words or so. If they don't write, then they feel like they have dropped the ball somewhere. They feel the fear of not picking up where they left off. If they miss one day, that day might lead to a week or a month without writing. Then their story will never get told.

What do I think? I think I should have a specified time to write on holidays. This time does not have to be long. Even if I can get on the computer and knock out 20 minutes of writing, then I feel like I have done something towards finishing my book. Usually holidays are spent sitting around either talking or sleeping or watching the kids play. There has to be a few moments that can be made to write. I try to find them early in the morning before anyone else in the house is up and moving about, this way it is already done when things start happening.

What about you Steve? Do you write on holidays?

Have a great week.
Robert T Gasperson

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